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Get the NUTS level and Year coverage for a specific data source.


mi_source_coverage(source_name, limit = 2500)



name of the data source


An integer specifying the maximum number of results to return. Default is 2500. This default should be enough for most uses, as it is well above the number of NUTS 3 regions in the EU. The maximum limited by the API is 10000.


a tibble containing the following columns:

  • nuts_level: NUTS level

  • year: year

  • source_name: name of the data source (mathces the source_name requested by the user)

  • short_description: short description of the data source

  • description: description of the data source


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 52 × 5
#>    nuts_level year  source_name   short_description      description            
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>         <chr>                  <chr>                  
#>  1 0          2008  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  2 0          2009  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  3 0          2010  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  4 0          2011  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  5 0          2012  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  6 0          2013  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  7 0          2014  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  8 0          2015  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  9 0          2016  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#> 10 0          2017  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#> # ℹ 42 more rows

#> # A tibble: 48 × 5
#>    nuts_level year  source_name short_description description                   
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <chr>             <chr>                         
#>  1 0          1975  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  2 0          1980  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  3 0          1985  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  4 0          1990  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  5 0          1995  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  6 0          2000  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  7 0          2005  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  8 0          2010  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  9 0          2015  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#> 10 0          2020  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#> # ℹ 38 more rows
# }