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Get the NUTS level and Year coverage for a specific data source.


mi_source_coverage(source_name, limit = 1500)



name of the data source


An integer specifying the maximum number of results to return. Default is 2000.


a tibble containing the following columns:

  • nuts_level: NUTS level

  • year: year

  • source_name: name of the data source (mathces the source_name requested by the user)

  • short_description: short description of the data source

  • description: description of the data source


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 52 × 5
#>    nuts_level year  source_name   short_description      description            
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>         <chr>                  <chr>                  
#>  1 0          2008  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  2 0          2009  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  3 0          2010  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  4 0          2011  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  5 0          2012  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  6 0          2013  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  7 0          2014  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  8 0          2015  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#>  9 0          2016  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#> 10 0          2017  BD_HGNACE2_R3 "Business demography " Business demography an…
#> # ℹ 42 more rows

#> # A tibble: 48 × 5
#>    nuts_level year  source_name short_description description                   
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <chr>             <chr>                         
#>  1 0          1975  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  2 0          1980  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  3 0          1985  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  4 0          1990  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  5 0          1995  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  6 0          2000  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  7 0          2005  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  8 0          2010  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#>  9 0          2015  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#> 10 0          2020  ghs_smod    Settlement type   Satellite-based settlement ty…
#> # ℹ 38 more rows
# }