Duplicate and missing municipality data

tabular data
incorrect data
zone IDs mismatch
missing data
importance: high

August 17, 2024


August 17, 2024

Status: ⚠️ active

Importance: 3 - high

Summary: Folders for municipality data contain files with disctrict data.

Expected Results: There should be no district data files in municipality folders. There should be no missig municipality data.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load Data

Load libraries and define data files.


Sys.setenv("SPANISH_OD_DATA_DIR" = here::here("data"))
v1 <- spanishoddata:::spod_available_data(1)
v1$local_path <- fs::path_rel(v1$local_path)

Folders with municipality data contain files with disctrict data.

DT::datatable(v1 |> dplyr::filter(grepl("municipios.*distrito", target_url)))

There is no issue with municipality data in district folders.

DT::datatable(v1 |> dplyr::filter(grepl("distrito.*municipios", target_url)))

Is the data in the municipality folders that is labelled as district actually district level and are there files for municipalities in the same folders?

problematic_urls <- v1 |> dplyr::filter(grepl("municipios.*distrito", target_url)) |> pull(target_url)
problematic_dates <- str_extract(problematic_urls, "[0-9]{8}") |> paste0(collapse = "|")
DT::datatable(v1 |> dplyr::filter(grepl(problematic_dates, target_url)) |> dplyr::arrange(local_path))

What we find

  • 20210205_maestra_2_mitma_distrito.txt.gz in maestra2-mitma-municipios/ficheros-diarios/2021-02/ folder should not be used in any batch imports, as there is 20210205_maestra_2_mitma_municipio.txt.gz in the same folder.

  • Critically, only 20200712_maestra_1_mitma_distrito.txt.gz is in municipalities folder, there is no file 20200712_maestra_1_mitma_municipio.txt.gz in the same folder. This file is also missing from the tar archive with monthly data (https://opendata-movilidad.mitma.es/maestra1-mitma-municipios/meses-completos/202007_maestra1_mitma_municipio.tar).

Conclusion and how the issue should be fixed

  • The district files placed in the municipality folders should not be donwloaded to avoid data contamination during batch imports. That concerns files 20210205_maestra_2_mitma_distrito.txt.gz in maestra2-mitma-municipios/ficheros-diarios/2021-02/.

  • 20200712_maestra_1_mitma_distrito.txt.gz may be aggregated to municipality level using the reference tables:

relaciones_distrito_mitma <- readr::read_delim(
  "https://opendata-movilidad.mitma.es/relaciones_distrito_mitma.csv", delim = "|", show_col_types = FALSE)
relaciones_municipio_mitma <- readr::read_delim(
  "https://opendata-movilidad.mitma.es/relaciones_municipio_mitma.csv", delim = "|", show_col_types = FALSE)

However, the issue is that https://opendata-movilidad.mitma.es/maestra1-mitma-distritos/ficheros-diarios/2020-07/20200712_maestra_1_mitma_distrito.txt.gz (has 5237350 rows) is not the same as “https://opendata-movilidad.mitma.es/maestra1-mitma-municipios/ficheros-diarios/2020-07/20200712_maestra_1_mitma_distrito.txt.gz (has 5020279), while the latter is also clearly not a municipality file in disguise, as it is noticeable larger and mostly contains district IDs, not municipality IDs. It is probably safer to download the larger file.