Published papers
Goncharov, R., Kotov, E., & Molodtsova, V. (2023). Local Factors and COVID-19 Severity: Typological Analysis of Urban Districts in Russia. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics (In Russian), 19(1), 93–120.
- English version: Goncharov, R. V., Kotov, E. A., & Molodtsova, V. A. (2024). Local Factors of COVID-19 Severity in Russian Urban Areas. Regional Research of Russia, 14(2), 227–239.
official publisher view-only link
- English version: Goncharov, R. V., Kotov, E. A., & Molodtsova, V. A. (2024). Local Factors of COVID-19 Severity in Russian Urban Areas. Regional Research of Russia, 14(2), 227–239.
Kotov, E., Goncharov, R., Kulchitsky, Y., Molodtsova, V., Nikitin, B. (2022). Spatial Modelling of Key Regional-Level Factors of COVID-19 Mortality in Russia. GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, 15(2), 71–83
Zamyatina, N., Kotov, E., Goncharov, R., Burceva, A., Grebenec, V., Medvedkov, A., Molodcova, V., Kljueva, V., Kulchitsky, Y., Mironova, B., Nikitin, B., Pilyasov, A., Polyachenko, A., Poturaeva, A., Streletskiy, D., & Shamalo, I. (2022). Resilience Potential of the Russian Arctic Cities. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria 5, Geografia (In Russian), 5, 52–65. URL:
- Kotov, E., Gorodnichev, A. (2017). Development trends in Moscow: Development of new centers, strengthening of existing ones or ad hoc development? Proceedings of XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Vol. 4 (In Russian), 1, 344–351. Full text at
Conference papers
Effects of human mobility on the spread of disease-transmitting mosquitoes in Spain: Insights from mobile phone data (Kotov, E., Bartumeus, F., Palmer, J. ) Presented at:
EuroCarto 2024. Vienna, Austria
Mobile Tartu 2024. Tartu, Estonia
Seasonal Shifts in Mobile Data Consumption: Investigating the Effect of Daylight Variation on Application Usage Patterns (Kotov, E., Hexel, O., Theile ,T., Jacobs ,E., Perrotta ,D., Kim ,J., Zagheni, E.). NetMob 2023. Madrid, Spain
High-resolution estimates of mosquito exposure inequalities in Spanish urban areas. Activity space approach using call detail records. (Kotov, E.) Presented at:
62nd European Regional Science Association Congress: Urban Challenges and Sustainable Technological Revolution. Alicante, Spain
Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Urban Spaces and Mosquitoes on a Changing Planet. Barcelona, Spain.
- Comparative analysis of regional and municipal level factors of COVID-19 mortality. 61st ERSA Congress “Disparities in a Digitalising (Post-Covid) world – Networks, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development”. Pecs, Hungary (Online).
Factors of COVID-19 mortality in Russian municipalities and Arctic cities. 60th ERSA Congress “Territorial Futures – Visions and Scenarios for a resilient Europe”. Online.
Typology of the Russian and Arctic regions under the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic. 13th World Congress of the RSAI. “Smart Regions – Opportunities for Sustainable Development in the Digital Era”. Online.
- The role of land use and transport accessibility in trip generation: evidence from the Moscow mobile phone data. Mobile Tartu 2020. Tartu, Estonia. Video:
The effects of introduction of the Moscow Central Circle rail passenger service: transport, urban, economic and travel behaviour consequences. NECTAR 2019 Conference “Towards Human Scale Cities: Open and Happy”. Helsinki, Finland.
Exploring fringe belts in Moscow: the implications for the city’s spatial development in 1990-2020. XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form 2019. Cities as Assemblages (ISUF 2019). Nicosia, Cyprus.
Do we really need big data for citizen mobility analysis? Digital Transformation & Global Society 2019. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Connecting Morpho to urban vitality: the case of Moscow. XXV International Seminar on Urban Form 2018 (ISUF 2018). Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Urban spatial structure – from hypotheses to objective knowledge. The International Scientific Symposium Tracing the Future City”. Moscow, Russia. Video:
(De-)densification in Moscow. BRICS+ City Lab: Urban Densification. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Post-industrial urban polycentricity. XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Moscow, Russia.
- Development trends in Moscow: development of new centers, strengthening of existing ones or ad hoc development? XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Moscow, Russia.
Other publications
Kotov, E., Goncharov, R., Novikov, A., Nikogosyan, K., Gorodnichev, A. (2016). Moscow: Heading towards policentricity. Evaluation of the effects of development on polycentric development of Moscow. HSE University. Full text at
Kotov, E. (2014). State expertise of project design documentation (In Russian). In State control and supervision: Analytical report—2013 (pp. 236–250). MAKS Press. Full text at