
Published papers


  • Kotov, E., & Denecke, E. (2024). Expanding the Lifespan of Software for Demographic Analysis with Containers: An Application of Spatial Sampling. The Denominator. Population Dynamics Lab. DOI:10.6069/WY8K-D973

    • Data and reproducible R code: DOI:10.6069/s8bf-rt57

    • Related: Kotov, E., & Denecke, E. (2024). Increasing the Lifespan of Software for Demographic Analysis. The Download. Population Dynamics Lab. DOI:10.6069/7JXS-6C18


  • Goncharov, R., Kotov, E., & Molodtsova, V. (2023). Local Factors and COVID-19 Severity: Typological Analysis of Urban Districts in Russia. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics (In Russian), 19(1), 93–120. DOI:10.24057/2071-9388-2021-076

    • English version: Goncharov, R. V., Kotov, E. A., & Molodtsova, V. A. (2024). Local Factors of COVID-19 Severity in Russian Urban Areas. Regional Research of Russia, 14(2), 227–239. DOI:10.24057/2071-9388-2021-076 official publisher view-only link


  • Kotov, E., Goncharov, R., Kulchitsky, Y., Molodtsova, V., Nikitin, B. (2022). Spatial Modelling of Key Regional-Level Factors of COVID-19 Mortality in Russia. GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, 15(2), 71–83 DOI:10.24057/2071-9388-2021-076

    • Data and reproducible R code: DOI
  • Zamyatina, N., Kotov, E., Goncharov, R., Burceva, A., Grebenec, V., Medvedkov, A., Molodcova, V., Kljueva, V., Kulchitsky, Y., Mironova, B., Nikitin, B., Pilyasov, A., Polyachenko, A., Poturaeva, A., Streletskiy, D., & Shamalo, I. (2022). Resilience Potential of the Russian Arctic Cities. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria 5, Geografia (In Russian), 5, 52–65. URL:

    • Data and reproducible R code: DOI


  • Pilyasov, A., Zamyatina, N., Kotov, E. (2021). The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russian regions in 2020: Models and reality. Economy of Region/Ekonomika Regiona (In Russian), 17(4), 1079–1095. DOI:10.17059/ekon.reg.2021-4-3


  • Kotov, E., Gorodnichev, A. (2017). Development trends in Moscow: Development of new centers, strengthening of existing ones or ad hoc development? Proceedings of XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Vol. 4 (In Russian), 1, 344–351. Full text at


  • Butorina, S., Kotov, E. (2016). Effects of transport infrastructure built for mega sports events on transportation systems of host cities. Urban Studies and Practices (In Russian), 1(3), 69–85. DOI:10.17323/usp13201670-86

Conference papers


  • Effects of human mobility on the spread of disease-transmitting mosquitoes in Spain: Insights from mobile phone data (Kotov, E., Bartumeus, F., Palmer, J. ) Presented at:

    • EuroCarto 2024. Vienna, Austria

    • Mobile Tartu 2024. Tartu, Estonia


  • Seasonal Shifts in Mobile Data Consumption: Investigating the Effect of Daylight Variation on Application Usage Patterns (Kotov, E., Hexel, O., Theile ,T., Jacobs ,E., Perrotta ,D., Kim ,J., Zagheni, E.). NetMob 2023. Madrid, Spain

  • High-resolution estimates of mosquito exposure inequalities in Spanish urban areas. Activity space approach using call detail records. (Kotov, E.) Presented at:

    • 62nd European Regional Science Association Congress: Urban Challenges and Sustainable Technological Revolution. Alicante, Spain

    • Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    • Urban Spaces and Mosquitoes on a Changing Planet. Barcelona, Spain.


  • Comparative analysis of regional and municipal level factors of COVID-19 mortality. 61st ERSA Congress “Disparities in a Digitalising (Post-Covid) world – Networks, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development”. Pecs, Hungary (Online).


  • Factors of COVID-19 mortality in Russian municipalities and Arctic cities. 60th ERSA Congress “Territorial Futures – Visions and Scenarios for a resilient Europe”. Online.

  • Typology of the Russian and Arctic regions under the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic. 13th World Congress of the RSAI. “Smart Regions – Opportunities for Sustainable Development in the Digital Era”. Online.


  • The role of land use and transport accessibility in trip generation: evidence from the Moscow mobile phone data. Mobile Tartu 2020. Tartu, Estonia. Video:


  • The effects of introduction of the Moscow Central Circle rail passenger service: transport, urban, economic and travel behaviour consequences. NECTAR 2019 Conference “Towards Human Scale Cities: Open and Happy”. Helsinki, Finland.

  • Exploring fringe belts in Moscow: the implications for the city’s spatial development in 1990-2020. XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form 2019. Cities as Assemblages (ISUF 2019). Nicosia, Cyprus.

  • Do we really need big data for citizen mobility analysis? Digital Transformation & Global Society 2019. St. Petersburg, Russia.


  • Connecting Morpho to urban vitality: the case of Moscow. XXV International Seminar on Urban Form 2018 (ISUF 2018). Krasnoyarsk, Russia

  • Urban spatial structure – from hypotheses to objective knowledge. The International Scientific Symposium Tracing the Future City”. Moscow, Russia. Video:


  • (De-)densification in Moscow. BRICS+ City Lab: Urban Densification. Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • Post-industrial urban polycentricity. XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Moscow, Russia.


  • Development trends in Moscow: development of new centers, strengthening of existing ones or ad hoc development? XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Moscow, Russia.

Other publications

  • Kotov, E., Goncharov, R., Novikov, A., Nikogosyan, K., Gorodnichev, A. (2016). Moscow: Heading towards policentricity. Evaluation of the effects of development on polycentric development of Moscow. HSE University. Full text at

  • Kotov, E. (2014). State expertise of project design documentation (In Russian). In State control and supervision: Analytical report—2013 (pp. 236–250). MAKS Press. Full text at