
Egor Kotov's Github Stats

Author and maintaner

r-universe e-kotov status badge r-universe e-kotov status badge

rJavaEnv rJavaEnv website


Project Status: Active Lifecycle: stable CRAN status CRAN/METACRAN Total downloads CRAN/METACRAN Downloads per month R-CMD-check

rJavaEnv: ‘Java’ Environments for R Projects

rJavaEnv is an R package to install specific version of Java runtime environment at the R project level and to manage multiple Java environments between projects.

spanishoddata spanishoddata website


Project Status: Active Lifecycle: stable CRAN status CRAN/METACRAN Total downloads CRAN/METACRAN Downloads per month R-CMD-check

{spanishoddata} - an R package to access Spanish open origin-destination matrices data based on mobile network data released by the Spanish government. In collaboration with Robin Lovelace and Eugeni Vidal-Tortosa.


Project Status: WIP Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check

The goal of {mapineqr} R package is to access the inequality indicators from the API and dashboard (product of the Mapineq proejct).


Project Status: WIP Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of mapineqpy Python module is to access the inequality indicators from the API and dashboard (product of the Mapineq proejct).


Lifecycle: experimental CRAN status R-CMD-check DOI

alboFr: Get French Data on Tiger Mosquito Colonisation


wikimapR, an R package for importing Wikimapia data as Simple Features via API

wikimapR is an R package for accessing the raw vector data from Wikimapia via official Wikimapia API. Map data is returned as Simple Features (sf) objects with some of the object details included as nested lists.


flowmapblue flowmapblue website

CRAN status CRAN/METACRAN Total downloads CRAN/METACRAN Downloads per month R-CMD-check

This is a widget for R developed by Ilya Boyandin. It produces an interactive flow map representing numbers of movements between locations (origin-destination data). I act as a maintainer of the package.

layer layer website

CRAN status CRAN/METACRAN Total downloads CRAN/METACRAN Downloads per month R-CMD-check

The goal of layer is to simplify the whole process of creating stacked tilted maps, that are often used in scientific publications to show different environmental layers for a geographical region. Tilting maps and layering them allows to easily draw visual correlations between these environmental layers. Originally developed by Marco Sciaini and Cédric Scherer.

Significant Contributor


cartogram - Construct a continuous area cartogram by a rubber sheet distortion algorithm (Dougenik et al. 1985), non-contiguous Area Cartograms (Olson 1976), and non-overlapping Circles Cartogram (Dorling el al. 1996) in R.

  • Implemented parallel processing of cartograms to speed up computation for large datasets.

  • Added progress bar to provide visual feedback and estimated processing time.

See all contributions to cartogram

rang rang website

rang (Re)constructing R computational environments

  • Major feature addition - support for Apptainer/Singularity images.

  • Minor package improvements.

See all contributions to rang


rosmium - R Bindings for Osmium Tool.

  • Implemented time filter.

See all contributions to rosmium


gridsample Grid-based alternative to doing DHS-style survey sample design. An open source R package developed as a WorldPop project.

  • Refactoring the package to drop dependencies on the deprecated rgdal, rgeos, and maptools packages, making it eligible for restoration to CRAN.

  • Fixing errors preventing package functioning as intended.

See all contributions to gridsample

  • Related publication: Kotov, E., & Deneke, E. (2024). Expanding the Lifespan of Software for Demographic Analysis with Containers: An Application of Spatial Sampling. The Denominator. Population Dynamics Lab. DOI:10.6069/WY8K-D973

Fork of zotero-sharelatex-cayw

zotero-sharelatex-cayw - a fork of Zotero integration script for Overleaf citation manager made compatible with ShareLaTeX.

Minor Contributor


esri2sf R package for scraping features from ArcGIS Server REST API and create simple features dataframe.

  • Bug fixes.

See all contributions to esri2sf


MicroDatosEs R package providing utilities for reading and processing microdata from Spanish official statistics.


geofacet R package for geographical faceting with ggplot2.

  • Bug fixes.

See all contributions to geofacet


layer Create stacked tilted maps in R


OpenTripPlanner R package to set up and use OpenTripPlanner (OTP) as a local or remote multimodal trip planner.

  • Fixed/added a minor feature.

See all contributions to OpenTripPlanner


PlaceSyntaxTool plugin for QGIS. PST is a tool for performing space syntax and regular accessibility analyses. It currently consists of two main parts - a C++ and Python library called Pstalgo and a plugin for the desktop application QGIS.

Various pet projects

Writefull Chrome Extension Converter for ShareLaTeX

writefull-for-sharelatex - Terminal script that converts the original Writefull Chrome extension to a version that works with a ShareLaTeX server of your choice.

rewe-ebon-parser python module

rewe-ebon-parser - a python module to parse REWE eBons (digital receipts) from PDF files and convert them into structured JSON format or CSV